Minimally Invasive Esthetic Crown Lengthening: Increasing Predictability and Efficiency
Presenter: Dr. Scott Froum
Release Date: 10/26/22
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 10/26/28
AGD Subject Code: 135
Reviewed: 2025
With traditional tools, esthetic crown lengthening often requires raising a flap, placing sutures, significant healing time, and multiple appointments to achieve the desired result. The use of lasers including the 9.3 µm CO2 Solea Laser enables minimally invasive, expeditious esthetic crown lengthening that often does not need sutures, and heals in weeks rather than months. In this CE webinar, Dr. Froum will discuss the importance of treatment planning, diagnoses, and surgical techniques to ensure predictable and esthetic results.
During this CE webinar, the participant will • Learn about basic concepts of biological width and ferrule • Understand how to treatment plan esthetic crown lengthening • Review surgical techniques for flapless crown lengthening with the 9.3 µm CO2 Solea laser • Understand the differences between open and closed flap esthetic crown lengthening
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