A to Z on Laser-Assisted Pediatric Frenectomies
Presenter: Dr. Jared Poplin
Release Date: 5/15/24
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 5/15/27
AGD Subject Code: 135
Releasing tethered oral tissues (TOTs) as early as possible can have sweeping effects on a patient’s health. In this CE webinar, Dr. Poplin will review common problems related to tongue-ties and lip-ties, such as breastfeeding, speech, and dental issues. He will then discuss how the 9.3-micron CO2 all-tissue laser enables efficient, precise frenectomies, with minimal bleeding, minimal post-op discomfort and remarkably rapid healing.
During this CE webinar, we will • Discuss anatomy, diagnosis, treatment planning, and post-treatment care • Explain procedural examples of lingual frenectomy and maxillary labial frenectomy to understand the diagnosis and treatment of TOTs pathology in children • Understand the rationale for laser-assisted treatment of tongue-tie and lip-tie as it relates to breastfeeding, maxillary diastemas, and speech • Summarize the science behind the 9.3-micron CO2 laser's efficient, blood-free soft tissue cutting
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